Lesson Plan Poem Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers, Adrienne Rich’s poetry “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” will be introduced to pupils in this session. Students will obtain a knowledge of the poem’s setting, ideas, and fundamental message as a result of this introduction. They will also begin to investigate the poem’s use of symbolism and poetic elements, laying the groundwork for deeper study and interpretation in later classes.
Table of Contents
ToggleLesson Plan Poem Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
English Core
Class 12
Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers (Poem)
45 Minutes
Objective Lesson Plan
Students should be able to do the following by the end of this lesson:
- Understand Adrienne Rich’s poem “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” and its key idea.
- Examine the poem’s use of symbolism and imagery.
- Consider the poem’s message in the context of gender norms and cultural expectations.
- Think critically and explain their interpretations of the poetry.
- Enhance their capacity to recognise poetic methods and literary components in a written work.
- Group conversations and presentations might help them improve their communication abilities.
- To recollect the poet and her genre/work (since they studied the poet in Class X Poem -Trees).
- To translate the poetry into their native tongue.
- To interpret the significance of the poem’s many words, phrases, and symbols.
- To use new lexical phrases learned in everyday dialogue.
- To write an analysis of Aunt Jennifer’s character.
- To contrast the position of a self-sufficient woman with that of an unhappy married lady.
- To assess the problem and come up with remedies to domestic violence.
- To provide examples of successful females.
- Duration: Approximately two 45-minute class periods
Materials Used For Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan for Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
Students should be able to do the following by the end of this lesson:
Text book (Flamingo)
Flash Cards
Images of Tigers, Housewife etc.
Video clips / documentaries on domestic violence
Adrienne Rich’s poem “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” was copied for each student.
Whiteboard/Blackboard, as well as markers/chalk.
For multimedia support, use a projector or audio equipment (if available).
Handouts or images to emphasise poetic methods and literary aspects.
Learning Outcome of Lesson
Students will be able to –
- Comprehend and appreciate the feminist components of the poem
- Sympathise with harassed women by the end of the class
- use lexical items contextually
- critically examine the theme of the poem
- identify the different poetic devices used 1.6. understand the critical appreciation of the poem
- understand that man and woman are equal
- empathise with victims of male chauvinism
- be prepared to face such oppressions boldly
- recognise that ladies have innate interests and deserve mental and emotional freedom
Previous Knowledge Assumed:
- It is presumed that pupils are familiar with the poet and her genre.
- They are already aware of the basic framework of the society in which marriage is an essential institution, but it is somehow male-dominated.
Previous Knowledge Testing:
The teacher will show a picture of a tiger and question the students about their knowledge of this animal.
Do you believe the phrase ‘happily married’ is an oxymoron? What is your reasoning?
Tigers are found in the jungle. They are the top predators. They are fearless, brave, strong, and so forth.
A patriarchal culture is one in which males are given more preference than females.
Yes, it still exists someplace.
Presentation of Lesson
Teacher’s Activity
Board Work
Let us first talk about the poet of the poem “Adrienne Rich”:
Adrienne Rich was born in Baltimore, Maryland, USA in 1929. She is well-known for her role as a poet and theorist in the contemporary women’s movement. She has nineteen volumes of poetry, three collections of essays, and three collections of other writings. Her work reflects a strong opposition to racism and militarism. Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers is a poem on the constraints of married life that a woman faces.
Introduction to the poem: This 1951 poetry explores the limits of married life that a woman faces. Aunt Jennifer is a global emblem of an oppressed woman seeking to escape the traditional institution of marriage and society’s patriarchal rules. The poem also depicts artistic freedom as well as the permanence / immortality of art above the transience of human life.
Students are paying close attention to the teacher and taking notes in their notebooks.
After the teacher has finished explaining, students are encouraged to ask any questions they may have.
Topic –
Poem – 6 : Aunt Jennifer’s
By – Adrienne Rich
Students are paying close attention and resolving any doubts they may have.

Stanza 1
Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen,
Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
Aunt Jennifer has embroidered tigers on tapestries placed throughout her chamber. The tigers are all shown as powerful, active, and brightly coloured, in stark contrast to Aunt Jennifer. The tapestries represent an entire forest scene, replete with hunters. Tigers are unafraid of hunters and are graceful, bold, and self-assured. Aunt Jennifer, a meek and submissive woman, aspires to be as brave and vibrant as a tiger. She has not received any chivalric treatment from her husband.
Stanza 2.
Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
The poem’s explanation: Aunt Jennifer might not be at her prime.
Her fingers tremble while she embroiders because she is terrified of her husband (the “Uncle”).
She is having difficulty pulling the ivory needle. The wedding ring that her Uncle gave her on their wedding day is too hefty for her. The marriage has become a prison from which she will never be able to escape.