Components of Lesson Plan in Education There are generally six Important Components of a Good Lesson Plan A lesson plan is the heart of pedagogy, and pedagogy is the heart of classroom management, where the students learn and their learning is assessed. A good lesson plan reflects a teacher’s quality and sincerity. It is a tool for student success and class management. Thus, the six important components of a lesson plan make it the king of pedagogy.
Six Important Components of a Good Lesson Plan
A lesson plan is a teacher’s daily guide to what he is going to teach students and what they should learn, how the lesson will be taught, and how the learning of children will be assessed.
Lesson plans help teachers become more effective in the classroom by providing a precise outline for each class time during the ongoing session.
A lesson plan ensures that every class minute is spent teaching new topics and having necessary discussions, rather than figuring it out on the spot while teaching!
The most effective lesson plans include six important components:
- Lesson Outcomes or Objectives
- Prerequisites for Lesson
- Resources for the Lesson
- Teaching Method
- Evaluation Method
- Critical Analysis at the End of Lesson Plan

Thus, before designing a lesson plan, it’s important to approach it with clear plan to enhance the learning experience of your pupils.
Empty Lesson Plan for All Subjects
Name of the School:
Class :
Name of the Teacher:
The topic of the Lesson Plan or Sub-topic:
Resources Required for the Lesson Plan:
Lesson Plan Outcomes or Objectives
Prerequisites for Lesson Plan
Method of teaching Lesson
The Goal for Students after the Lesson:
Subject Skills:
Learning Objectives/Skills to be Developed among Students
Assessment Exercises/ Activities/Methods
Learning Outcome
Critical Analysis of Lesson Plan
Teacher’s Signature:
Principal’s Signature
Principal’s Remarks
Empty Lesson Plan for all Subjects PDF
Important Points Before Planning a Good Lesson Plan
The teacher begins his lesson plan by considering the following points:
- Has he considered the class characteristics and learning target?
- Consideration of curriculum guidelines
- Learning needs of the students.
- A lesson plan is developed by considering the activities within the time allotted.
- Students’ interests must be valued for a lesson plan to be effective.
- Topic of the lesson as per the syllabus provided by the school or board
- Benchmark needs to be decided before planning a lesson.
- achievement of the decided objectives of the lesson plan.
- Textbooks or other types of reading materials, Websites, word processors, and other specialized software Movies, CDs, and other forms of media, Speakers on the program
Project materials, such as posters, paper, markers, or tape - Arrangement of the classroom as per the students’ learning levels
Most Important Components for a Good Daily Lesson Plan
A good daily lesson plan will include the following elements:
- The beginning of the lesson should draw the student’s attention to the topic and keep it there.
- Development of a lesson, teachers should inform students about the lesson’s intended learning outcomes.
- Each activity should be described in terms of what you will do as the teacher as well as what the students will do.
- Students must use higher-order thinking skills to apply and synthesize new information.
- Activities for evaluation, you should monitor student learning during the lesson. Describe how you will determine whether students have met the intended learning outcomes in specific and measurable terms.
- Finish class by restating the intended learning outcomes. Choose a method to bring the activities to a close. Will students think about what they’ve learned? Will they hand in their work or finish it as homework?
- Teacher Introspection: When you’ve finished teaching each lesson, write a reflection on what happened. Did students achieve the lesson’s intended learning outcomes? What is your reasoning? Consider your contribution to their success. Was the timeframe reasonable? Were your instructions crystal clear? Did the activities you planned to support the intended learning outcomes, or did they deviate from them? Were activities in your class adequately modified for special needs students? What activities would you engage in again? What would you change the next time?
What are the important Components of a Lesson Plan in Education? Discuss them in detail.
The most effective lesson plans include six important components:
- Lesson Outcomes or Objectives
- Prerequisites for Lesson
- Resources for the Lesson
- Teaching Method
- Evaluation Method
- Critical Analysis at the End of Lesson Plan
Design your Lesson Plan based on 6 Components
In all educational institutes, teachers prepare lesson plans as per their requirements. The components of lesson plans can be different for different teachers, but the above six components can be used to prepare a standard lesson plan. What the teacher is going to do in his class is called a lesson plan. Daily lesson plans have some objectives and activities that are purely based on the circumstances in which a teacher is teaching. Thus, teachers design their lesson plans as per their requirements.
The daily lesson plan includes the following six components:
- Lesson Outcomes or Objectives
- Prerequisites for Lesson
- Resources for the Lesson
- Teaching Method
- Evaluation Method
- Critical Analysis at the End of Lesson Plan

Let’s explain the above six important components by developing a lesson plan for the students of class 12 English (Core) CBSE. ‘The Last Lesson, Lesson Plan:
Class 12 English(Core): The Last Lesson, Flamingo
Name of the School: GGSSS, Silana(3183)
Class: XII
Section: A
Date: 01/04/2023
Total Periods Allotted: 5
Duration: 45 Minutes
Name of the Teacher: Suman Yadav, PGT English
The topic of Lesson Plan or Sub-topic: The Last Lesson
Resources Required for the Lesson Plan:
- Textbooks( Flamingo)or other types of reading materials, Websites, word processors, and other specialized software Movies, CDs, and other forms of media, Speakers on the program
Project materials, such as posters, paper, markers, or tape
Lesson Plan Outcomes or Objectives
- Learning the importance of language which is related to patriotism.
- How people feel concerned about the importance of language when they lose it.
- Students should value what their teachers teach.
- Developing reading skills to enhance the understanding of the main idea of the chapter.
- Values of freedom and individual identity.
- Alsace, Lorraine,Prussia have Historical importance. Find out?
Prerequisites for Lesson Plan
- Has he considered the class characteristics and learning target?
- Consideration of curriculum guidelines
- Learning needs of the students.
- A lesson plan is developed by considering the activities within the time allotted.
- Students’ interests must be valued for a lesson plan to be effective.
- Topic of the lesson as per the syllabus provided by the school or board
- Benchmark needs to be decided before planning a lesson.
- achievement of the decided objectives of the lesson plan.
- Textbooks or other types of reading materials, Websites, word processors, and other specialised software Movies, CDs, and other forms of media, Speakers on the program
Project materials, such as posters, paper, markers, or tape - Arrangement of the classroom as per the students’ learning levels
Method of teaching Lesson
- Teach students what to say when they are stumped.
- Students should speak in complete sentences.
- When calling on students, use randomization and rotation.
- Make use of total response signals.
- Use visuals and vocabulary strategies to help you achieve your goal.
- Students should take part in structured conversations.
The Goal for Students after the leLesson
- Acquire Listening skills and word pronunciation.
- Reading comprehension skills
- Skimming skills
- Writing notice forthe school notice board.
- Paragraph writing on importance of language
- Theme, working with synonyms and antonyms., tenses etc.
Assessment Exercises/ Activities/Methods
- Summary of the chapter
- Underlining the important words.
- Reading comprehension of passages by providing MCQs.
- Understanding the text by providing critical analysis of passages.
- Talking about the text and the importance of language in excelling in an academic career.
- Discuss the short answer questions by asking the students to write the answer to the questions in their notebooks.
Learning Outcome
- Students will learn the value of their mother tongue.
- M. Hamel, the class teacher, was valued because it was his last day.
- The locals were moved by their feelings for the teacher.
- Students can increase their LSRW (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).
- Students can write on patriotism.
Critical Analysis of Lesson Plan
When you’ve finished teaching each lesson, write a reflection on what happened.
- Did students achieve the lesson’s intended learning outcomes?
- What is your reasoning? Consider your contribution to their success.
- Was the timeframe reasonable? Were your instructions crystal clear?
- Did the activities you planned to support the intended learning outcomes, or did they deviate from them?
- Were activities in your class adequately modified for special needs students?
- What activities would you engage in again? What would you change the next time?
Lesson Plans for Class 12 English(Core) will be based on the following:

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Pingback: Class 12 English (Core) Lesson Plan: The Last Lesson Period 1
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